Definition of PAIN
It is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage.
Pain is highly subjective and individual and it is the body’s defense mechanism indicating that there is a problem.
Types of Pain
Pain is described in terms of
Cause / physiologic basis
Location in the body :
Radiating pain: it is perceived from the source of the pain and extends to near by tissues. Eg cardiac pain
Referred pain: pain from one part of the abdominal viscera may be perceived in an area of the skin remote from the organ causing pain
Intractable pain: which is highly resistant to relief
eg: Pain in advanced malignancy
Neuropathic pain: due to result of disturbance of the peripheral CNS, which is often severe
(shooting or stabbing pain)
Phantom pain: painful sensation perceived in a part of the body that is missing
According to Origin:
Cutaneous pain: sharp pain arising from skin and subcutaneous tissue
Deep somatic pain: diffuse pain arising from ligaments,tendons,bones,blood vessels and nerves eg: sprain
Visceral pain: due to stimulation of pain receptors in the abdominal cavity, cranium and thorax
eg: burning aching feeling of pressure caused by muscle spasm in obstructed bowel
According to Duration:
Acute pain - lasts upto 6 months
- sudden & slow onset
- mild to severe pain
Chronic pain - lasts more than 6 months
- difficult to relieve
- eg. Chronic malignant pain
Comparison of acute & chronic pain
Acute pain
Warns of injury
Recent onset
Mild –severe
Lasts few seconds to 6 months
Anxiety follows
eg. Surgical interventions, trauma
Chronic pain
No purpose
Continuous/ intermittent
Mild – severe
Lasts long 6 months and more
Depression follows
eg. cancer, arthritis, trigeminal neuralgia
Responses to pain
Acute pain:
Increased Pulse rate
Raised BP/ fall in BP & shock
Increased respiration
Dilated pupils
Muscle tension
May rub, cry / hold area
Reports pain
Reduced GI motility
Chronic pain:
Vital signs –usually normal
Pupils normal or dilated
Dry or warm skin
Depression, irritability
Withdrawal from interests & relationships
Disturbed sleep
Reduced libido
Reduced appetite
According to the physiologic basis of pain
Mechanical - trauma
- blockage of body duct
- tumor
- muscle spasm
Thermal - extreme heat or cold
Chemical - Tissue ischemia --> Blocked artery --> stimulation of pain receptors --> accumulation of lactic acid
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